TREE SPIRITS IV, 26x54, mixed on canvas (2019)
TREE SPIRITS IV, 26x54, mixed on canvas (2019)

22x16 inches, mixed collage on paper (2019)

TREE SPIRITS VII, 30x23.5 framed, mixed collage on paper (2019)
TREE SPIRITS VII, 30x23.5 framed, mixed collage on paper (2019)
TREE SPIRITS IV, 22x24, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS IV, 22x24, mixed media collage on paper (2017)

16x22 inches, mixed collage on paper (2018)

FOLLOW THAT ROAD, 16x22, mixed collage on paper (2018)
FOLLOW THAT ROAD, 16x22, mixed collage on paper (2018)
POD CAST, 24x48, mixed media collage on canvas, (2014)
POD CAST, 24x48, mixed media collage on canvas, (2014)
A THING OF BEAUTY IS A PLOY FOREVER, 30x40, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
A THING OF BEAUTY IS A PLOY FOREVER, 30x40, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
ANCIENT EARTH, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
ANCIENT EARTH, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
AVANT GARDEN, 24x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
AVANT GARDEN, 24x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
BIRTH OF A FOREST, 60x36, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
BIRTH OF A FOREST, 60x36, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
CABBAGE SALSA, 30x40, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
CABBAGE SALSA, 30x40, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
DON'T TREAD ON ME, 48x48, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
DON'T TREAD ON ME, 48x48, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
FIREFLY NATION, 36x36, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
FIREFLY NATION, 36x36, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
FLEURLICIOUS, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
FLEURLICIOUS, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
FLYING FLOWERS, 24x48, mixed collage on canvas (2013) Sold
FLYING FLOWERS, 24x48, mixed collage on canvas (2013) Sold
HUMMER, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
HUMMER, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
NIGHT SPRITES, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
NIGHT SPRITES, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
OKENFENOKEE CROAKY, 16x16, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
OKENFENOKEE CROAKY, 16x16, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
THE GATEKEEPER, 18x29 unframed, mixed collage on paper (2009) Sold
THE GATEKEEPER, 18x29 unframed, mixed collage on paper (2009) Sold
WEB AND WING, 48x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
WEB AND WING, 48x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
THE LIVING MARK, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
THE LIVING MARK, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
THE EDGE OF THE WOOD, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
THE EDGE OF THE WOOD, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
BOUQUET, 36x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) sold
BOUQUET, 36x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) sold
FLY AWAY, 48x28, mixed collage on canvas (2016) sold
FLY AWAY, 48x28, mixed collage on canvas (2016) sold
WINDBLOWN, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015)
WINDBLOWN, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015)
JUGGLING ACT, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2016)
JUGGLING ACT, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2016)
TREE SPIRITS I , 16X8, mixed collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS I , 16X8, mixed collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS II, 16x8, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS II, 16x8, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS III, 16x8, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS III, 16x8, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE TATTOOS, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012)
TREE TATTOOS, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012)
TREE CONFETTI, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2017)
TREE CONFETTI, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2017)
TWIGS III, 16X8, mixed collage on linen (2018)
TWIGS III, 16X8, mixed collage on linen (2018)
TWIGS II, 16x8, mixed collage on linen (2017)
TWIGS II, 16x8, mixed collage on linen (2017)
FLOWER POWER, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
FLOWER POWER, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
TWIGS I,  16x8, mixed collage on linen (2017)
TWIGS I, 16x8, mixed collage on linen (2017)
TREE TALK, 20x30, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
TREE TALK, 20x30, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE, 22x29, mixed collage on paper, (2108)
LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE, 22x29, mixed collage on paper, (2108)
TREE SPIRITS V, 16x8, mixed on paper (2018)
TREE SPIRITS V, 16x8, mixed on paper (2018)

36x24 inches, mixed collage on canvas (2021)


30x20 inches, mixed collage on canvas (2019)


16x8 inches, mixed collage on paper (2019)


20x30, mixed collage on canvas (2018)


15x18 inches, mixed collage on paper (2020)

TREE CONFETTI , 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
TREE CONFETTI , 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
CABBAGE SALSA, 20X40, mixed collage on canvas (2014)
CABBAGE SALSA, 20X40, mixed collage on canvas (2014)
TRUNK SHOW I, II, III, each 60x36 (2017)
TRUNK SHOW I, II, III, each 60x36 (2017)
FLOWER POWER, 36x48, mixed on canvas (2018)
FLOWER POWER, 36x48, mixed on canvas (2018)
DREAMS OF FLYING, 60x36, mixed collage on canvas (2016)
DREAMS OF FLYING, 60x36, mixed collage on canvas (2016)
TREE PARTY, 15x18 inches, 26x23 framed, mixed collage on paper (2020)
TREE PARTY, 15x18 inches, 26x23 framed, mixed collage on paper (2020)
TREE SPIRITS IV, 26x54, mixed on canvas (2019)
TREE SPIRITS VII, 30x23.5 framed, mixed collage on paper (2019)
TREE SPIRITS IV, 22x24, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
FOLLOW THAT ROAD, 16x22, mixed collage on paper (2018)
POD CAST, 24x48, mixed media collage on canvas, (2014)
A THING OF BEAUTY IS A PLOY FOREVER, 30x40, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
ANCIENT EARTH, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
AVANT GARDEN, 24x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
BIRTH OF A FOREST, 60x36, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
CABBAGE SALSA, 30x40, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
DON'T TREAD ON ME, 48x48, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
FIREFLY NATION, 36x36, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
FLEURLICIOUS, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
FLYING FLOWERS, 24x48, mixed collage on canvas (2013) Sold
HUMMER, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
NIGHT SPRITES, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
OKENFENOKEE CROAKY, 16x16, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
THE GATEKEEPER, 18x29 unframed, mixed collage on paper (2009) Sold
WEB AND WING, 48x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
THE LIVING MARK, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
THE EDGE OF THE WOOD, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
BOUQUET, 36x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) sold
FLY AWAY, 48x28, mixed collage on canvas (2016) sold
WINDBLOWN, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015)
JUGGLING ACT, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2016)
TREE SPIRITS I , 16X8, mixed collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS II, 16x8, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS III, 16x8, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE TATTOOS, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012)
TREE CONFETTI, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2017)
TWIGS III, 16X8, mixed collage on linen (2018)
TWIGS II, 16x8, mixed collage on linen (2017)
FLOWER POWER, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
TWIGS I,  16x8, mixed collage on linen (2017)
TREE TALK, 20x30, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE, 22x29, mixed collage on paper, (2108)
TREE SPIRITS V, 16x8, mixed on paper (2018)
TREE CONFETTI , 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
CABBAGE SALSA, 20X40, mixed collage on canvas (2014)
TRUNK SHOW I, II, III, each 60x36 (2017)
FLOWER POWER, 36x48, mixed on canvas (2018)
DREAMS OF FLYING, 60x36, mixed collage on canvas (2016)
TREE PARTY, 15x18 inches, 26x23 framed, mixed collage on paper (2020)
TREE SPIRITS IV, 26x54, mixed on canvas (2019)

22x16 inches, mixed collage on paper (2019)

TREE SPIRITS VII, 30x23.5 framed, mixed collage on paper (2019)
TREE SPIRITS IV, 22x24, mixed media collage on paper (2017)

16x22 inches, mixed collage on paper (2018)

FOLLOW THAT ROAD, 16x22, mixed collage on paper (2018)
POD CAST, 24x48, mixed media collage on canvas, (2014)
A THING OF BEAUTY IS A PLOY FOREVER, 30x40, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
ANCIENT EARTH, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
AVANT GARDEN, 24x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
BIRTH OF A FOREST, 60x36, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
CABBAGE SALSA, 30x40, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
DON'T TREAD ON ME, 48x48, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
FIREFLY NATION, 36x36, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
FLEURLICIOUS, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
FLYING FLOWERS, 24x48, mixed collage on canvas (2013) Sold
HUMMER, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
NIGHT SPRITES, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
OKENFENOKEE CROAKY, 16x16, mixed collage on canvas (2012) Sold
THE GATEKEEPER, 18x29 unframed, mixed collage on paper (2009) Sold
WEB AND WING, 48x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
THE LIVING MARK, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2014) Sold
THE EDGE OF THE WOOD, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015) Sold
BOUQUET, 36x36, mixed collage on canvas (2014) sold
FLY AWAY, 48x28, mixed collage on canvas (2016) sold
WINDBLOWN, 20x24, mixed collage on canvas (2015)
JUGGLING ACT, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2016)
TREE SPIRITS I , 16X8, mixed collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS II, 16x8, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE SPIRITS III, 16x8, mixed media collage on paper (2017)
TREE TATTOOS, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2012)
TREE CONFETTI, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2017)
TWIGS III, 16X8, mixed collage on linen (2018)
TWIGS II, 16x8, mixed collage on linen (2017)
FLOWER POWER, 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
TWIGS I, 16x8, mixed collage on linen (2017)
TREE TALK, 20x30, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE, 22x29, mixed collage on paper, (2108)
TREE SPIRITS V, 16x8, mixed on paper (2018)

36x24 inches, mixed collage on canvas (2021)


30x20 inches, mixed collage on canvas (2019)


16x8 inches, mixed collage on paper (2019)


20x30, mixed collage on canvas (2018)


15x18 inches, mixed collage on paper (2020)

TREE CONFETTI , 36x48, mixed collage on canvas (2018)
CABBAGE SALSA, 20X40, mixed collage on canvas (2014)
TRUNK SHOW I, II, III, each 60x36 (2017)
FLOWER POWER, 36x48, mixed on canvas (2018)
DREAMS OF FLYING, 60x36, mixed collage on canvas (2016)
TREE PARTY, 15x18 inches, 26x23 framed, mixed collage on paper (2020)
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